When was the last time you were kind to yourself?

When was the last time you were kind to yourself?

My son had the week of Thanksgiving off from school. The. Entire. Week. That was not a thing when I was growing up. I had a lot of work to do but I didn’t sign him up for a million camps. I wanted him to be able to enjoy some time off, to sleep in, relax, play, and meet friends. To be a kid.

At first I was a little stressed about the work I wouldn’t be doing. I have some big plans for 2020 and my “to-do” list keeps growing. But then I decided that I also could use a break. As soon as I gave myself permission to relax, sit on the couch and eat chocolates, watch movies, play and visit with friends, it was fabulous.

My key words for life are: Kindness, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Belonging. These words shape who I am and what I want to be for others. If I can’t be that for myself and my son, how can I be that for others.

I was listening to my new favorite podcast, “Finding Fred” by Carvell Wallace. Episode 1, A Genius of Empathy, features Ashley Ford where she comments, “People don’t have empathy for others because they don’t know how to have empathy for themselves.”

I get it. We can’t love others if we can’t love ourselves. We can’t be kind to others if we can’t be kind to ourselves. What keeps the world together? Showing kindness to someone else - without judgment or expectations. This is not rocket science. Sometimes people get mad. Don’t judge them, just be with them. Allow it. Sometimes people cry. Don’t ask them to stop because you are uncomfortable with it. Cry with them. Listen to Mr. Rogers. Listen to this podcast, “Finding Fred.” Know that it will all be okay. Believe in abundance.

Sometimes we are so caught up in being busy that we forget to be kind. Or grateful. We forget to forgive. And at work, everyone deserves to feel like they belong. Show them that you see them, hear them, value them, and honor them. Let them know that you want them to succeed. Be clear with how you communicate what that means.

What can you do to honor someone’s feelings today? What can you do to recognize someone for helping you?

It all starts with you. Show up for yourself today. You deserve it.