Invite Wellness Rituals Into Each Day

Celebrate yourself. Don’t wait for the one big thing to be complete. Celebrate all of the steps along the way. Celebrate that you got out of bed today. Celebrate something every day. If you are not sure how to start, check out my coaching resources for a Gratitude Bomb exercise.

It all starts with one small step. I have a client who is writing a book and she just completed her first draft. She started with a goal to write a little bit every day and she stuck with it and now her first draft is ready for editing. That is amazing! What is the first step you can take to get started towards the one thing you want to do?

Share it with an accountability partner. Connection is so important in this world. You don’t have to do it alone. Find an accountability partner who will celebrate with you and support you when you aren’t feeling your best and will help you get back on track and remember why you are doing this thing.

Hold it lightly. When we clench our fists we create tension. Imagine you are holding something fragile in your palms. Let it be light. Relax your muscles. If you do something you don’t like you can choose to be mad at yourself or you can forgive yourself for being human, appreciate what you have, and allow everything to be a little bit easier. We can have the best ideas and still end up making choices that may not serve us well. That’s okay. Let it go and try again tomorrow or in a few minutes. Don’t beat yourself up over what is done. That is the past. What choices will you make now to be aligned with your values in this moment?

It all starts with the first step. What is the first step you will take towards that thing you have always wanted to do?

Breathe with intention. Maybe you have thought about creating a meditation habit and it is just not sticking. Can you start with one breath. Yes, you breathe all day long but can you do it with intention. Inhale and exhale through your nose evenly and notice your lungs and abdomen expand. Feel the breath all the way down to your toes. Breathe into your third eye – the space at the center of your forehead. Notice how you feel when you take just one breath with intention. What else can you do today with that same intention?

Here is a link to a guided Brain Break to guide you on your wellness journey.

Create a habit. Who you are is based on the things you do every day. If you wait until one day of the year to create new resolutions, how does it work out for you the other 364 days of the year? Most of us probably pay for regular maintenance on our cars. Or if we don’t they won’t last as long. If we wanted to run a marathon we would start a daily habit to train for the marathon. We wouldn’t run once and then decide we were ready. The same thing is true for mental fitness. It takes practice. It is not one yoga class or one meditation session. It is the practice every day, in the middle of our busy days so we can start to lean into that sage mindset and feel good about the choices we make and notice when things are not feeling right so that we can stay in self-command and take action from a place of a positive mindset. What is one habit you would like to create? What is the first step you will take?

Image of chalkboard that says "Don't make resolutions. Create habits" Text reads: As you move forward into your day, your week, and into 2022... Take one small step to commit to yourself. Practice letting go. Celebrate yourself. Connect to community.

I hope you all find ease and flow in your day and in these next two weeks as we greet 2022.

Wishing you all love.


Monica Phillips