Natalia Oberti Noguera: A day in the life of a disruptor and angel investor

Natalia Oberti Noguera is Founder and CEO of Pipeline Angels, a network of women investors that is changing the face of angel investing and creating capital for women social entrepreneurs. This is a day in the life of a disruptor and angel investor.

What keeps me busy? Getting #morevoices in the room.

Today I woke up at 8 am.

The first thing I did was put on my contacts.

My biggest challenge was disrupting society’s perspective on how women change the world. One of the reasons I launched Pipeline Angels is because I realize society has a gendered view on how women change the world. When a woman says she is going to change the world, society expects that she is going to launch a nonprofit. My efforts are focused on women changing the world through for-profit social ventures

I celebrate women stepping up to the plate and the launch of the 2016 Spring Pipeline Angels just last month.

What I love most about my work is changing the face of angel investing and creating more capital for women social entrepreneurs.

My favorite part of the day was when the sun was out.

Least favorite… is when it’s dark. Then I make myself some tea.

I am so glad that I get to support women.

I wish I could be in more than one place at one time. There are so many events and amazing powerhouse women – being able to support them in person would be awesome.

Something that surprised me was how some experiences I had from middle school have stayed with me through life. One day in middle school I learned a little bit of American Sign Language and it inspired me to consider taking more ASL classes, follow ASL-related Instagram accounts (;; and inspired me to check out a show on ABC Family, “Switched at Birth.”

It surprised me that even a short, one-day workshop from so long ago had such an impact on me.

Did you have a plan for your day? Did it go as planned? Yes, and so far there’s still hope.

I want to recognize the Pipeline Angels team that includes Stephanie Littlefield, senior program coordinator; Stephanie Goodell, Pipeline Angels member and engagement lead; Ann Murray, communications lead; and Ranya Karafilly, design and tech lead; and a special shout-out to Sarah Huny Young, founder of Supreme Clientele, who developed our online member directory.

How do you commute? By laptop – I work from home or on-the-go.

For lunch whenever possible I eat leftovers. If I were on an island I would want rice, beans, and pasta – the best parts of my heritage (half Italian/half Colombian)

A personal activity I do just for myself is watch some of my favorite TV shows. I am over the target demographic for several of these shows and I love them because they are more diverse than other programming, like The Fosters, which is a show about the foster care system and highlights an LGBTQ couple and Latina/Latino twins.

I most enjoyed spending time with my partner.

For dinner, I don’t cook, I eat.

My favorite technology apps are the ones created by Pipeline Angel portfolio companies including Flower by Dogpatch Technology, a caregiving app; Seven Seas Music; and more. Check them out online at

I am inspired by quotations. One of my favorites is, “If you don't have a seat at the table, bring your own chair.” ~Midy Aponte.

Do you meditate? Do you exercise?  I try. I like and I want to get back to yoga. I’ve started doing more jump rope, which is really fun, and I like wall climbing.

One strategy I use to make my time more effective is to schedule calls after 12 pm.

I am passionate about Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw's intersectionality. I'm a cis LGBTQ Latina. At many events I attend, the elephant in the room is white. It’s not just about having 50/50 gender parity, but also about having multiple perspectives and being able to have #morevoices.

Something I wanted to get done but didn’t get to do was… What if’s are easy and I’m getting better at moving on.

A dream I am currently focused on fulfilling is expanding Pipeline Angels. We are working on expanding our signature angel investing bootcamp to many more cities and we are building out additional programming for our 180+ members for after the bootcamp. We also have 25+ portfolio companies and we are working to support them.

Today I felt excited to talk to Monica Phillips and to connect with really great people.

I went to sleep at… my goal was 10 pm. I almost made it by 11 pm and I might have made it by 11:20 pm.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to catching up with a new acquaintance and a business friend.

Dubbed “The Coach” by Marie Claire, Natalia (aka Ms. Oberti Noguera) is Founder and CEO of Pipeline Angels, a network of women investors that’s changing the face of angel investing and creating capital for women social entrepreneurs. Natalia holds a BA in Comparative Literature & Economics from Yale. She has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, Mashable, Newsweek, Reuters Money, TechCrunch, The New York Times, and Fast Company’s Co.Exist Change Generation series. Natalia was named to the Forbes list “Top 20 Women for Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter,” as well as’s “25 Latinas Who Shine in Tech.” Women’s eNews recognized her as one of 21 Leaders for the 21st Century for 2012 and Fortune highlighted her as one of the “55 most influential women on Twitter.” You can find Natalia on Twitter (@nakisnakis).

2016Monica Phillips